Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Numb is good

I'm home, friends are coming to visit me and do minor chores. I have some energy back and am getting more IV fluids in the next 5 days until my return to the hospital. So I should be good though it takes so much time getting the fluids, each time a minimum of 2 hours. But what else do I have to do? My companion can leave and return.

My weight has gone up a few lbs. I am 131.8. I have been trying to set an alarm to eat or drink Boost every 2 hours. 

The struggle with food continues but this Magic Mouthwash from the compounding pharmacy is wonderful. I have mucositis (another lovely side benefit of chemo) which makes it painful to eat and the mouthwash numbs things up nicely.  I can only take it every 6 hours so I set my timer for that, too!

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