Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Acronyms for Lymphoma Land

  • Abbreviations for Lymphoma

    AE - Adverse Events
    ASH - American Society of Hemotology
    BMT - Bone Marrow Transplant (same as SCT)
    CHOP - Mixture of Chemotherapy for LDBCL
    CR - Complete Response
    CT Scan - Computed Tomography Scan
    CVP - Mixture of Chemotherapy for FL
    CVP-R and CHOP-R - Chemotherapy with Rituxan
    FL - Follicular Lymphoma
    FLIPI - Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index
    GVHD - Graft Versus Host Disease
    HCT - Hematocrit
    HGB - Hemoglobin
    LDBCL - Large Diffuse B-Cell Lymphoma
    LYM - Lymphocytes
    MAB - Monoclonal Antibody (Rituxan is one of these)
    MCHC - Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration
    MCV - Red Blood Mean Cell Volume
    NO2 - Nitrite (found in processed meat packages)
    ORR - Overall Response Rate
    OS - Overall Survival
    PFS - Progression Free Survival
    PLT - Platelet Count
    PR - Partial Response
    RBC - Red Blood Count
    SAE - Serious Adverse Events
    SCT - Stem Cell Transplant
    TTNT - Time to Next Therapy
    TTP - Time to Tumor Progression
    WBC - White Blood Count
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