Monday, March 22, 2021

Biopsy of mass soon!

Finally, my biopsy is scheduled! It is this Friday, the 26th, and will take most of the day because I will have to be sedated (that song from the Ramones, "I Wanna Be Sedated" keeps going through my head). 

I have received 3 different check in times, 8:30 am, then a text saying 9:30, and then on the phone I was told 9:00, and this morning the scheduler told me 8 am. Can I just take my pick? 😉

As for getting the results, the radiologist never (I feel safe saying "never" although I could be wrong) tells you anything directly at the time of the procedure.  My doctor has to tell me and that will take 1-7 days and be done by TeleHealth. 

This is what MyChart says is the reason for the biopsy (BX):

Follicular lymphoma with large retroperitoneal mass on PET/CT, evaluate for
high-grade transformation.

It's the first time in these recent months that I have heard or read the ominous word, "transformation."

I have a kind person to pick me up and take me home as required. She will stay with me for a while (turned out that wasn't necessary). Julie brought me delicious homemade chicken soup the next morning! Such kindness bowls me over! Maybe it shouldn't but I am not used to such things.

Plus I have had to schedule a COVID-19 test for tomorrow in order to get the biopsy (the test was my first and was easy, fast and just ticklish and weird).

Yikes! Fun and games. 

Is there an end in sight to my abdominal pain? It feels far away.


  1. I’m glad they finally got you scheduled!

  2. Good luck tomorrow! I'm glad you have a support network around you and I hope everything goes at smoothly as it can. Sending love from Madison.
