Monday, September 13, 2021

Scan results

Well, it's not great news but it's not bad, either, in my opinion. 

The main mass still looks good but there is a lymph node in my belly that has increased in size from 1 cm to 2.4 cm and brightness. It could be temporary inflammation but the oncologist can't tell. Surgery would be difficult to get a biopsy of it since it is deep in the belly. She wants to do another scan in 3 months unless I have belly pain or other bad signs of a tumor. The scan report said it was a Deauville 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst)!

She doesn't want to take the port out yet so it has to be flushed in 6 weeks. 

I found out the Rituxan I got lasts in the body for 6 months to a year! So the Covid19 booster probably didn't work. I still want to get the Covid antibodies test. 

She advised me to get a flu vaccine although it too may not be effective.  

My white blood count is still a bit low but my neutrophils are normal so I can get fresh flowers again and have indoor plants! 

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