Monday, March 21, 2022

Evusheld problems

Looks like Evusheld antibodies just aren't as good or comprehensive as the ones your body forms after the vaccine:

"an infusion of synthetic antibodies quickly disappears within days or weeks without teaching your immune system this lesson."

And the problem since the beginning, lack of supply, could get even worse!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

New PET scan is good BUT...

 I just had another PET scan yesterday and got the results today.

Is it good news? Yes, the two concerning areas have shrunk! Must be that Essiac tea I have been drinking (! But there is something concerning in my throat, so she wants me to see a specialist to check it out with a scope. (I now have an appointment for April 20th with a surgical oncologist, an otolaryngologist. What a mouthful that is!)

Am I in remission?  No, I am not since there are areas she wants to keep an eye on. There are people with lymphoma who are considered to be in remission but that's not me.

Can I get another Covid vaccine? I will be contacted about getting another dose of Evusheld since they are now thinking the dose should be bigger than I got (300 mg). My antibodies test does not mean I am no longer immuno-compromised; the antibodies were injected into me but they were not PRODUCED by my body (different from the vaccines). This is a clarification that is very important. So I still have to be careful but that doesn't mean that I can't travel. She thinks a year after receiving chemo (Rituxan, specifically) I can get two vaccines, so that would be put me at least at September.

Can I travel to the U.K./Ireland? Yes, Dr. Ujjani said I can travel but just be careful, wear a mask on the plane, etc. And go AFTER I get the Covid vaccines.

When is the next scan? She wants me to get another scan in three months; if that's good, we can go to a six month stretch before the next one. So mid-June and then December?